Monday, December 10, 2012

December 10, 2012

Well transfers happened.  Sadly but excitingly I am out of Comayagua.  I miss the area and the people but the new area is great.  I am in an area called Campamento.  It is a tiny branch of the church and is a little pueblo.  My companion is Elder Portillo and he is from San Pedro Sula.  It has been an interesting week with mixed feelings.  I wasn't super excited for the transfers but now I know it will be good and I know that God has put me here for a reason.  It will be super interesting to see the area when I leave that is for sure.  I came to the area and there are maybe 5 investigators and a lot of wasted time in the past.  Now we are making changes and we are starting to knock doors and look for investigators.  They have been super focused in the branch that they have let the investigators go pretty much but that is alright we have to start somewhere.  I was a little frustrated at first to see it but then I know now that God put me here for a reason and we are going to see many miracles here.  I have been really humbled with the transfer and it just makes me realize how well God knows each and everyone of us and puts us in situations to learn and to grow.  Just in these couple of days that I have been here we have made so many changes and I am helping my companion a lot to learn.  One thing I have learned so far in my mission is that I am nothing, I am nothing but the dust of the earth but if I keep my self obedient and trust in the Lord and always try to strengthen my faith I can do miracles.  I really am nothing but the Lord has made me strong and is helping me complete my purpose.  I was studying today and just happened to have the best study of my whole entire mission.  God really answered my prayers and my study was awesome!!!  I was reading the talk by President Monson from conference in the Priesthood session and it was just an answer to my prayers.  I also was reading a scripture in 2 Timothy 1:7-8 . . . I Loved IT!  God has entrusted me with power and love and not with fear.  He has done that with all of us.  He has given us power to do all things.  I know that if we trust in him we can do miracles.  The work isn't easy but it sure is worth it.  Keep reading the Book of Mormon and wait for the miracles in your lives.  I know you will be hearing about miracles here soon!

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