Monday, December 31, 2012
December 30, 2012
Another week has come and gone. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and that your New Year's is great as well. The work of the Lord is continuing forward. It is a real battle right now to help my companion progress and be obedient and to also save the branch from being closed but it's going! The Lord blesses us in our obedience. We were blessed to have two baptisms on Saturday. One of the kids is 17 and has been going to church for over a year but never decided to get baptized until right now and then the other was a kid of a sister that just got baptized. It has been really great in the area and the people are really super loving and want to learn more. I know that the Lord has a great plan for these people and for all of us in this new year! We just have to take advantage of the time the Lord has given us now!
December 24, 2012
Well it has been a super interesting week in the work of the Lord. I have really had to trust in the Lord in this new area. He has given me the strength to be able to continue working and even stand up against sin. He really has given me the power to stand up for what is right and I feel the difference in my life. He gave me the strength to do something I never could have before to stand up in front of a group of missionaries that were doing some things they weren't supposed to do. God really loves us and it is in the hard times of our lives that we find strength if we look in the right spot. God loves and strengthens us always. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and that you feel the love and strength of Christ in your life.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
December 17, 2012
What a week! This area is going to be a good experience. It's a little town and everyone knows everyone. They are all super poor and there are maybe 10 paved roads in the whole town - it is great! There are a ton of hills as well. It is super beautiful here. As for this week it was a great one! We have been working super hard and trying to make the changes necessary. We have to make a lot of changes and help the members. This area they are thinking about closing it and shutting down the branch. The branch is a small branch of 20 to 30 active members. We have a lot of work to do - me and my companion - if things don't go well the mission will be saying goodbye to this area. The pressure is on! It is great though I have seen a lot of miracles just in the time that I have been here. We decided to fast on Saturday - me and my companion and really it built my testimony of fasting. We were fasting really to receive a lot of help and direction in the area and it happened. We were fasting to have a baptism and a lot of things and I asked the Lord in my prayers to give me the opportunity to talk in Sacrament too. The Lord has answered our prayers. Next week we will be having a baptism, an investigator that has been going to church for over a year has finally accepted to be baptized. The work is going great. Keep praying a lot for us - we need all the divine help we can bet!
Monday, December 10, 2012
December 10, 2012
Well transfers happened. Sadly but excitingly I am out of Comayagua. I miss the area and the people but the new area is great. I am in an area called Campamento. It is a tiny branch of the church and is a little pueblo. My companion is Elder Portillo and he is from San Pedro Sula. It has been an interesting week with mixed feelings. I wasn't super excited for the transfers but now I know it will be good and I know that God has put me here for a reason. It will be super interesting to see the area when I leave that is for sure. I came to the area and there are maybe 5 investigators and a lot of wasted time in the past. Now we are making changes and we are starting to knock doors and look for investigators. They have been super focused in the branch that they have let the investigators go pretty much but that is alright we have to start somewhere. I was a little frustrated at first to see it but then I know now that God put me here for a reason and we are going to see many miracles here. I have been really humbled with the transfer and it just makes me realize how well God knows each and everyone of us and puts us in situations to learn and to grow. Just in these couple of days that I have been here we have made so many changes and I am helping my companion a lot to learn. One thing I have learned so far in my mission is that I am nothing, I am nothing but the dust of the earth but if I keep my self obedient and trust in the Lord and always try to strengthen my faith I can do miracles. I really am nothing but the Lord has made me strong and is helping me complete my purpose. I was studying today and just happened to have the best study of my whole entire mission. God really answered my prayers and my study was awesome!!! I was reading the talk by President Monson from conference in the Priesthood session and it was just an answer to my prayers. I also was reading a scripture in 2 Timothy 1:7-8 . . . I Loved IT! God has entrusted me with power and love and not with fear. He has done that with all of us. He has given us power to do all things. I know that if we trust in him we can do miracles. The work isn't easy but it sure is worth it. Keep reading the Book of Mormon and wait for the miracles in your lives. I know you will be hearing about miracles here soon!
December 3, 2012
What a week! It was pretty crazy! We had a plan to baptize two of the Bishops nieces but it didn't happen. Their grandma died this week and so we didn't have contact with them from Thursday until Sunday! Sadly Claris and Genesis weren't baptized. It was a little sad and we were a little down for a day but all is well. We invited them to be baptized for this Saturday and they accepted! It looks like this month will be a great one for this area! We have transfers this week and I am pretty sure I am heading out of Comayagua and who knows where I am going. I will go and do what the Lord commands. Yesterday we had the chance to go to the First Presidency Devotional and I loved it a lot. I loved their words that we just need to accept the things that people are giving! It's so true we expect to give back something bigger and more expensive! It shouldn't be like that it should be focused in the Savior! We should all try and give the greatest gift that we all have and that being the Gospel! There is nothing better than someone can receive the gospel. I am looking forward to the greatest Christmas of my life to keep working and giving the people what they really need! The Gospel! There is no greater gift of happiness that you can get! I invite all of you this Christmas that you can give a Book of Mormon to someone that you know! You all know someone that needs it! Find them! Give it! Remember "True love is a reflection of the Savior's love" (Thomas S Monson) - it is true!
November 26, 2012
It was a super great week! The work is awesome. Yesterday Paty got baptized at 7:30 in the morning! It was an awesome experience after months of teaching her she finally got baptized and it was the most amazing baptism I have had in my mission as of right now. After she was baptized and changed and came back out we gave her the chance to share her feelings and testimony and when she got up to start talking she just started crying and crying. When she regained control she started to tell us what happened. She told us when she came up out of the water she looked where everyone was sitting and in the front row she saw her parents sitting in the front row. The crazy thing is her parents died years ago. It was one of the most amazing experiences I have had. I was just full of the spirit. It was just a testimony to me that really there are angels working here among us preparing the hearts of the people to be baptized and to come unto Christ! This work really is the best! Gods hand is in the work and his angles are supporting us. I know the angels are always around us and now I have a confirmation of that. I hope you are having experiences with angels in your lives as well.
November 19, 2012
Well it was a great week! The work of the Lord is seriously the greatest thing in the world! Danis was baptized Saturday and it was a super awesome experience - I got to baptize him. I love just knowing that we have baptisms because that means we are completing our purpose. The work is great! Things are looking great right now! With Danis baptism Saturday and with the plans of putting 4 or 5 more baptism dates this week! Things are looking great! Sunday Paty is going to be baptized! Wahoo! After about 2 months of teaching her she will be baptized! It is amazing to see the changes she has made in her life from a sad and quiet woman to now she is super happy and she always talks with us now! It is a miracle to see how the gospel changes the life of someone! She really is the best! I love seeing the changes that she has made it really is so exciting! It was awesome - I had a huge testimony boost that this is the church of God and that the spirit is real this week! We were visiting with Paty and we were just talking and she just started telling us that since she started reading the Book of Mormon she has always had questions and so she has been asking the sister that she lives with for answers but she told us that every time she asks a question the next time we come we talk about whatever her question was! It was a huge boost and to know that we are really following the spirit and doing the things that god expects of us. This work is real! The fight against Satan is real every day and the great thing is we know the outcome of the war! Satan loses! Sucks to be him and great to be us because we have the knowledge we have! I know this gospel is true without doubt and I know that without doubt when we pray and ask for help from God he will respond through the spirit! I hope you are all praying to have experiences with sharing the gospel. You can measure your conversion to the church by how much you share the gospel! Get converted or what are you doing in the church.
Monday, November 12, 2012
November 12, 2012
After a rough October things are looking up! I have been working like crazy trying to keep positive but to be honest - October sucked! Things are great now I learned so much. The Lord really teaches us a lot in the times of hardships. He was trying to help me be humble! We had a great day in church yesterday. We weren't expecting many investigators to come to church but it ended up about 10 people came and a couple of them were rejecting us and didn't want to hear us but they came and now they are telling us they want to be baptized! It really is a miracle how the Lord works! It really is great this week we have plans for baptisms and next week another and if all goes well this week we are going to put at least 6 more baptism dates. Hope all goes well with much prayer and fasting all these people will accept baptism dates! He is teaching me a lot and trying to help me be better as a missionary and a priesthood holder. I cannot explain with words how much he has taught me about partaking of the sacrament!! It is really something that I depend on week after week at times that is the best way to get motivated. I learned a lot this week from my Heavenly Father and can without doubt tell you that he lives and loves each and everyone of us and always answers our prayers! He really works especially in the changing of the hearts of the people! I have seen him change so many people and it is awesome! I hope all is well wherever you guys may be at. I hope you are all feeling the love that God has for all of us!
Monday, November 5, 2012
November 5, 2012
Well what a week! it was a great week! Walking a lot talking a lot and
having a lot of fun! I love the work of the Lord at times it is
difficult especially when you see peopple fall into temptation! I cant
imagine how Christ feels because it destroys my heart seeing members
afll into temptation! Words of advise dont be stupid and commit big
sins! Or any sins for that matter! It was a great week! We were
contacting and we went and were walking a street that I had never
walked and I was just looking down a hill and watching this family
just stare at us so I went and talked to them! We have now been
teaching them a couple times and they are the best the wife is a membe
rthat was baptized a long time ago and the husband is an awesome man
and they have a lot of potential for progress! As for one of our
investigators that we are teaching! Paty she is the greatest! She is
going to be baptized the 25 of this month! The date she chose! She
started reading the Book of Mormon about 4 weeks ago and has now
finished Alma and is reading a lot! She really is awesome she has
suffered so much her father was murdered when she was 15 her mom died
when she was 16 she doesnt have any brothers or aunts or uncles and so
she is literally alone! Well now she lives with the Bishop and his
family and is super great! At first she hardly spoke with us but now
she talks with me a lot! It is a amazing just the difference of
reading the book of Mormon can make in someones life! I can see the
difference in my own personal life! I finished the Book of Mormon in
Spanish for the first time! I know that book is true and if there is
anyone who wants to change their life read that book and you will make
changes and have the strength to keep going on in this life! I know
the Book of Mormon is true and I know this is the work of the Lord!
Like President Nelson said in Conference THe misionaries can help! I
love you all! keep praying for us here!
Love Elder Lake
Sunday, November 4, 2012
October 29, 2012
As for this week! Life is great here in Honduras! It was the first
week in all of my mission that I have eaten dinner everyday! I forgot
what that was like but I am super happy for that! Them members are
super great they are preparing basically all of the food that we eat
and it is awesome! So this morning was pretty awesome as well we
learned how to make horchata and not the crappy kind that you can buy
in the states either! It was super good! I love the culture here in
Honduras it is a lot of fun! THe people here really are the greatest I
have looked back at this past month and it was a real struggle sin
success and really difficult for me but I learned a lot! I really am
learning what love really is and how to love people! I get so
frustrated sometimes because their just isnt enough time in the day to
help everyone! Thats alright I wil find a way to do it! This week we
also had a baptism and it was awesome! He is a boy of about 13 years I
believe he is awesome he was a reference from the other elders in this
same city and so it was simple they taught him basically everything
and we just had to repass a couple things with him and ya he was
ready! It was super awesome I had the oppertunity to baptize him!
Highlite of the week one of the inactive sisters that we are teaching
is going to have a baby(kind of sad she is 14 years old) but she is
going to name her baby after me! Success!!! hahaha :) I hope all is
well for you guys! THings are all looking up day after day! PRay for
us here in the work I know that god is answering the prayers and
reallly is blessing us!
week in all of my mission that I have eaten dinner everyday! I forgot
what that was like but I am super happy for that! Them members are
super great they are preparing basically all of the food that we eat
and it is awesome! So this morning was pretty awesome as well we
learned how to make horchata and not the crappy kind that you can buy
in the states either! It was super good! I love the culture here in
Honduras it is a lot of fun! THe people here really are the greatest I
have looked back at this past month and it was a real struggle sin
success and really difficult for me but I learned a lot! I really am
learning what love really is and how to love people! I get so
frustrated sometimes because their just isnt enough time in the day to
help everyone! Thats alright I wil find a way to do it! This week we
also had a baptism and it was awesome! He is a boy of about 13 years I
believe he is awesome he was a reference from the other elders in this
same city and so it was simple they taught him basically everything
and we just had to repass a couple things with him and ya he was
ready! It was super awesome I had the oppertunity to baptize him!
Highlite of the week one of the inactive sisters that we are teaching
is going to have a baby(kind of sad she is 14 years old) but she is
going to name her baby after me! Success!!! hahaha :) I hope all is
well for you guys! THings are all looking up day after day! PRay for
us here in the work I know that god is answering the prayers and
reallly is blessing us!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
October 22, 2012
Welll it was a great week I had been feeling a little down because we
didnt have baptisms and we only had one baptism date! Now at the end
of the week we have 3 dates and with the hope of more in the future!
The work is great! We are receiving more and more help from the
members as the weeks go on! This is one thing when I came to the area
we didnt have much support from the member but now it is all changing
and when I leave the area it will be completely different area! We
have been working hard passing some difficulties but we are happy! It
has rained a ton here this passsed weeK! It was super fun to be
leaving the anonas and instead of sweating this time it just started a
down pour so we were soaking wet in the down pour the last 30 minutes
of our hike! The work is great and I am super happy! Continue praying
for the success of our area and for our investigators!
didnt have baptisms and we only had one baptism date! Now at the end
of the week we have 3 dates and with the hope of more in the future!
The work is great! We are receiving more and more help from the
members as the weeks go on! This is one thing when I came to the area
we didnt have much support from the member but now it is all changing
and when I leave the area it will be completely different area! We
have been working hard passing some difficulties but we are happy! It
has rained a ton here this passsed weeK! It was super fun to be
leaving the anonas and instead of sweating this time it just started a
down pour so we were soaking wet in the down pour the last 30 minutes
of our hike! The work is great and I am super happy! Continue praying
for the success of our area and for our investigators!
Monday, October 15, 2012
October 15, 2012
Well it was a great week! I dont really have much to say. All my
converts are dying spiritually! Ahh it is frustrating! Thats alright
they will come back one day so frustrating!!!!!! We are working super
hard havent had any baptisms this month but their is a lot of hope for
next month with a lot of hope for the future. We are working like
crazy trying to find new investigators but they just arent
progressing! Thats alright we have a sister we are teaching in the
house of the bishop and it is a super good experience she is
progressing really well she started reading the book of mormon about 2
weeks ago and she is reading in mosiah somewhere in there! The work is
good and I am super happy and loving it; continure praying for us and the success of all missionaries!
converts are dying spiritually! Ahh it is frustrating! Thats alright
they will come back one day so frustrating!!!!!! We are working super
hard havent had any baptisms this month but their is a lot of hope for
next month with a lot of hope for the future. We are working like
crazy trying to find new investigators but they just arent
progressing! Thats alright we have a sister we are teaching in the
house of the bishop and it is a super good experience she is
progressing really well she started reading the book of mormon about 2
weeks ago and she is reading in mosiah somewhere in there! The work is
good and I am super happy and loving it; continure praying for us and the success of all missionaries!
Friday, October 12, 2012
October 8, 2012
Well it was a great week! Conference was super awesome! I loved
watching conference and it blew me away about the missionaries! It is
super exciting to be here serving and here the revelation that they
are receiving for the church! WE had a pretty crazy week! We have been
working hard lately with the less active and inactive members of this
ward! Dont worry there are only like 800 of them! So we have a lot of
work to do! We have been horrible lately and havent been finding new
people to teach so we have to pick up the slack and get working in
that! The work is great and I am loving every minute of it! We have
really great investigators and a couple of them are preparing to be
baptized in the coming weeks! Their is a family that we are teaching
and the father is a pastor of a different church but he came to our
church for the first time 2 weeks ago! We are working a lot and really
hard with this family because the mom and some of the children all
want to be baptized but the father holds them back a little bit since
he is a pastor but we have seen some miracles in him and really some
changes to his personality and we think and have the faith that he is
going to change and that we are going to baptize the whole family! The
field really is white and ready to be harvested we just have to put
more of our part and when we do we find a bunch! It is crazy to see
how many people are here and how many are ready to receive the
restored gospel! It is a lot of fun to be here working and I feel
comfortable with my spanish and that I can communicate with any person
that I find in the street with confidence that the Lord is going to
give me the words to say! Like the prophets say God is a god of
miracles! We just have to work to see them! I know that is so true and
have seen so many miracles through my faith and thanks to God! I hope
all of you can see the miracles that the gospel brings in your life!
Love you all and hope you have a great week! Keep praying for me and
that we can find new investigators!
watching conference and it blew me away about the missionaries! It is
super exciting to be here serving and here the revelation that they
are receiving for the church! WE had a pretty crazy week! We have been
working hard lately with the less active and inactive members of this
ward! Dont worry there are only like 800 of them! So we have a lot of
work to do! We have been horrible lately and havent been finding new
people to teach so we have to pick up the slack and get working in
that! The work is great and I am loving every minute of it! We have
really great investigators and a couple of them are preparing to be
baptized in the coming weeks! Their is a family that we are teaching
and the father is a pastor of a different church but he came to our
church for the first time 2 weeks ago! We are working a lot and really
hard with this family because the mom and some of the children all
want to be baptized but the father holds them back a little bit since
he is a pastor but we have seen some miracles in him and really some
changes to his personality and we think and have the faith that he is
going to change and that we are going to baptize the whole family! The
field really is white and ready to be harvested we just have to put
more of our part and when we do we find a bunch! It is crazy to see
how many people are here and how many are ready to receive the
restored gospel! It is a lot of fun to be here working and I feel
comfortable with my spanish and that I can communicate with any person
that I find in the street with confidence that the Lord is going to
give me the words to say! Like the prophets say God is a god of
miracles! We just have to work to see them! I know that is so true and
have seen so many miracles through my faith and thanks to God! I hope
all of you can see the miracles that the gospel brings in your life!
Love you all and hope you have a great week! Keep praying for me and
that we can find new investigators!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
October 1, 2012
I have been having a lot of reallly good experiences with the book of Mormon and I just love that
book it truely is the word of GOd and I am seeing the reason why it is
the keystone to our religion. It really has an unmatchable power! As
for this week we had an awesome experience we went to visit a member
of the ward here and when we got almost to her house we passed this
group of men and they just said hello how are you and we thought
nothing of it and kept going and we passed by this sisters house and
she was busy and couldnt receive us it was a little sad but I am
greatful now that she couldnt receive us. When we were leaving
herhouse this group of men started to talk to us and it so happens
that one of them lived in the US for a little while and so thats why
he started talking to us to speak a little english. It turns out after
our small talk they start asking about the gospel and then we taught
them the first lesson. It was powerful we taught the whole first
lesson to about7 or 8 guys in the street and a couple of them seem to
be positive to progress.
It is so true that this gospel can change every single person in this world if they will just let it!
iT can change whatever addictiopn anyone has! It really is a miracle!
I have seen a bunch of miracles and all thanks to the gospel!
book it truely is the word of GOd and I am seeing the reason why it is
the keystone to our religion. It really has an unmatchable power! As
for this week we had an awesome experience we went to visit a member
of the ward here and when we got almost to her house we passed this
group of men and they just said hello how are you and we thought
nothing of it and kept going and we passed by this sisters house and
she was busy and couldnt receive us it was a little sad but I am
greatful now that she couldnt receive us. When we were leaving
herhouse this group of men started to talk to us and it so happens
that one of them lived in the US for a little while and so thats why
he started talking to us to speak a little english. It turns out after
our small talk they start asking about the gospel and then we taught
them the first lesson. It was powerful we taught the whole first
lesson to about7 or 8 guys in the street and a couple of them seem to
be positive to progress.
It is so true that this gospel can change every single person in this world if they will just let it!
iT can change whatever addictiopn anyone has! It really is a miracle!
I have seen a bunch of miracles and all thanks to the gospel!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
September 24, 2012
God has really answered my prayers! I have really been praying to find new investigators because
right now we dont have many! But He really answered my prayers and we
received 2 refrences that really are golden that went to church this
week and are really positive to teach! It was an interesting week! We
had a conference wednesday with Elder Duncan from the area 70! The
meeting lasted like 7 hours but it was the quickest 7 hjours of my
life! I learned so much and I feel so pumped up to work hard! We are
going to start working with the members and less active more and
instead of us knocking doors the members are going to knock the doors
for us and this is how we are going to contact. It will be awesome. WE
have a lot of work cut out for us in this ward there are more than 500
less active or inactive members of the church! SO this means we will
be working like crazy! This week too the investigator that we thought
started drinking again really didnt and he is still good for his
baptism this week!!!!!!!!!!! WAHOOOOO!! Super excited if all goes well
we should have 2 baptisms this week! I am super excited to see the two
baptisms! AS for me and my companion we are doing good it is a little
difficult at times too be 2 gringos here because if I dont understand
something in spanish he doesnt either and at times it is a problem!
That is alright though it is a lot of fun. I am learning a ton and my
spanish is improving rapidly because I talk all the time! I really am
being blessed with the gift of tongues! Without doubt it is a real
gift from God! I had a cool experience this morning as well with my
personal study! I was thinking in the purpose of this life and why we
all chose to come to this earth to be tested and to have problems! Its
obvious Gods plan is perfect really it is easy this life! We have a
path created for each one of us personally and a perfect path! We all
have the scriptures that we can read for guides. we have livibng
prophets that speak to us always! Also we have a patriarchal blessing
which really just is a road map for our lives! Gods plan is perfect
and really it is easy if we find God in our lives! I hope all of you
can find God in your life because when he is there when things are
hard they are worth it because he can help you!
right now we dont have many! But He really answered my prayers and we
received 2 refrences that really are golden that went to church this
week and are really positive to teach! It was an interesting week! We
had a conference wednesday with Elder Duncan from the area 70! The
meeting lasted like 7 hours but it was the quickest 7 hjours of my
life! I learned so much and I feel so pumped up to work hard! We are
going to start working with the members and less active more and
instead of us knocking doors the members are going to knock the doors
for us and this is how we are going to contact. It will be awesome. WE
have a lot of work cut out for us in this ward there are more than 500
less active or inactive members of the church! SO this means we will
be working like crazy! This week too the investigator that we thought
started drinking again really didnt and he is still good for his
baptism this week!!!!!!!!!!! WAHOOOOO!! Super excited if all goes well
we should have 2 baptisms this week! I am super excited to see the two
baptisms! AS for me and my companion we are doing good it is a little
difficult at times too be 2 gringos here because if I dont understand
something in spanish he doesnt either and at times it is a problem!
That is alright though it is a lot of fun. I am learning a ton and my
spanish is improving rapidly because I talk all the time! I really am
being blessed with the gift of tongues! Without doubt it is a real
gift from God! I had a cool experience this morning as well with my
personal study! I was thinking in the purpose of this life and why we
all chose to come to this earth to be tested and to have problems! Its
obvious Gods plan is perfect really it is easy this life! We have a
path created for each one of us personally and a perfect path! We all
have the scriptures that we can read for guides. we have livibng
prophets that speak to us always! Also we have a patriarchal blessing
which really just is a road map for our lives! Gods plan is perfect
and really it is easy if we find God in our lives! I hope all of you
can find God in your life because when he is there when things are
hard they are worth it because he can help you!
Monday, September 17, 2012
September 17, 2012
Ahhhhhh a crazy week! So I am still in the same area and I am a
trainer. Lets just say it was shocking when I saw my picture up on the
screen and I am training Elder Miller from Mapelton Utah. I was super
shocked to see that I am training another person from Utah kind of
weird but I guess the Lord has trust in me! I have talked a ton this
past week and I know without doubt that the Gift of tongues is real!
This week was a little dificult! One of our investigators fell into
temptation and started drinking again! AHHH stupid agency but that is
alright we are going to work with him and help him over come this
problema! I have really seen the blessings in my life the past week I
have learned so much and progressed so much it is just crazy to think
where I started. We are here working like crazy and trying to find new
investigators! Crazy week with more crazy weeks to come! The Lords
hand really is in every aspect of our lives we just have to look for
it and it is always there! This work is progressing and it is amazing
to be a part of it!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Orellano Wedding and Baptism
Orellano Family after the wedding
Orellano Family prior to Baptism
Orellano Family with the Elders prior to the baptism
Oh what a happy group!
September 10, 2012
Thank you for everyone who prayed for the Orellana Family it really payed off!
Everything went well! It was a little crazy of a week because me and my
companion had to do a lot of things to get them ready to get married
and prepared for baptism! We started out the week having our doubts if
really we could get them marrried and baptized all this week but
thanks to the Lord we could do it"! I dont think I have prayed so much
or so hard in my life for something! We prayed a lot and asked in
every prayer for the lords help and he blessed us! They were able to
be married and baptized all in the same day! It was a lot of fun and I
have never been this happy in my whole entire life! To see a family be
baptized and come unto Christ really is thegreatest sight ever! They
are so awesome! AS for the schocker of the week! I got a call tuesday
night from the assistants to the President and they told me that I had
to go to a meeting Thursday in Teguc! They told me that the Lord has
called me to be a trainer! I was pretty excited but a little shocked!
I will finish getting trained and start training this Wednesday! I am
not sure if I will change areas or not but for sure I know that I will
be training and having a new companion. I am pretty excited and I
guess the Lord has a lot of trust in my abilities and this will be one
heck of an experience that is for sure! I hope you all know the power
of prayer is real! This past week we have seen miracles through the
power of prayers! It is true without doubt! I hope all of you take the
time every day to pray and ask heavenly Father specifically for the
things you need and thenn afterwards do your part! When you do that he
blesses you! He will ALWAYS do his part and I know that without doubt!
I love you all and I am doing well here and super happy
Everything went well! It was a little crazy of a week because me and my
companion had to do a lot of things to get them ready to get married
and prepared for baptism! We started out the week having our doubts if
really we could get them marrried and baptized all this week but
thanks to the Lord we could do it"! I dont think I have prayed so much
or so hard in my life for something! We prayed a lot and asked in
every prayer for the lords help and he blessed us! They were able to
be married and baptized all in the same day! It was a lot of fun and I
have never been this happy in my whole entire life! To see a family be
baptized and come unto Christ really is thegreatest sight ever! They
are so awesome! AS for the schocker of the week! I got a call tuesday
night from the assistants to the President and they told me that I had
to go to a meeting Thursday in Teguc! They told me that the Lord has
called me to be a trainer! I was pretty excited but a little shocked!
I will finish getting trained and start training this Wednesday! I am
not sure if I will change areas or not but for sure I know that I will
be training and having a new companion. I am pretty excited and I
guess the Lord has a lot of trust in my abilities and this will be one
heck of an experience that is for sure! I hope you all know the power
of prayer is real! This past week we have seen miracles through the
power of prayers! It is true without doubt! I hope all of you take the
time every day to pray and ask heavenly Father specifically for the
things you need and thenn afterwards do your part! When you do that he
blesses you! He will ALWAYS do his part and I know that without doubt!
I love you all and I am doing well here and super happy
Monday, September 3, 2012
Pictures from Honduras
There is nothing like getting pictures from your missionary!
Elder Lake with Ilson (at his baptism) and his family? and his companion
Jackson is quite a bit taller than most people in Honduras and really stands out.
There are lizards everywhere and of course Jackson like to let them crawl on him.
September 3, 2012
We had a baptism saturday! We had plans to baptise a boy of 13 years and
this man! The hard thing was is the man we had plans to baptize got
robbed last week so he has nothing now and we could only basically
pass and say hi once the whole entire week it was awful! He ended up
backing out of his baptism he lacks a lot self confidence! It was
super sad but it is his decision! As for the Ilson he got bacptized he
is the 13 year old boy! He was super excited to get baptized! Sdo now
we have baptized him and his 2 other brothers it has been powerful and
a super awesome experience! We have been working super crazy because
we have a family that we want to baptize this transfer because we are
sure that we are going to be changed band not be together anymore
because i will finish the training after this transfer! We have had to
do so much to prepare them for baptism! We had to go and get a paper
that says the womans previous spose died so that she could have a
divorce and then we have to ghet a ton of papers so that The man and
woman can get married this week so that we can baptise them as well!"
It has been super crazy but the Lord has answered our prayers and he
has done his part and we are trying to do as much as we can! It is
super crazy this past week and this week will be even more crazy! We
have so much to do but we are going to work like crazy men and baptize
them this week! Please pray for us so that all can go well and we can
baptize the Orellana family! We know that we can do it but we know we
only can do it with the help of the lord! His hand has to help us a
lot! Really the Lord does answers prayers and fasts! I have seen that
without doubt this past week! Really if you pray and ask the Lord for
help and then you do your part! He WILL do his part! without doubt! I
know that without doubt I have seen the Lords hand helping us!
this man! The hard thing was is the man we had plans to baptize got
robbed last week so he has nothing now and we could only basically
pass and say hi once the whole entire week it was awful! He ended up
backing out of his baptism he lacks a lot self confidence! It was
super sad but it is his decision! As for the Ilson he got bacptized he
is the 13 year old boy! He was super excited to get baptized! Sdo now
we have baptized him and his 2 other brothers it has been powerful and
a super awesome experience! We have been working super crazy because
we have a family that we want to baptize this transfer because we are
sure that we are going to be changed band not be together anymore
because i will finish the training after this transfer! We have had to
do so much to prepare them for baptism! We had to go and get a paper
that says the womans previous spose died so that she could have a
divorce and then we have to ghet a ton of papers so that The man and
woman can get married this week so that we can baptise them as well!"
It has been super crazy but the Lord has answered our prayers and he
has done his part and we are trying to do as much as we can! It is
super crazy this past week and this week will be even more crazy! We
have so much to do but we are going to work like crazy men and baptize
them this week! Please pray for us so that all can go well and we can
baptize the Orellana family! We know that we can do it but we know we
only can do it with the help of the lord! His hand has to help us a
lot! Really the Lord does answers prayers and fasts! I have seen that
without doubt this past week! Really if you pray and ask the Lord for
help and then you do your part! He WILL do his part! without doubt! I
know that without doubt I have seen the Lords hand helping us!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
August 27, 2012
This past week was great we finally have
a family that is progressing and our goal is to baptize them bfore we
have transfers! It was the man who I asked for his tobacoo and his
family! He had been chewing tobacoo bascially all of his life and
since that moment he has chewed tobacco since! He really is showing
desires to change and be baptized! He and his wife have been talking
about being baptized and getting married so that they can do it! We
are going to work like crazy men to get it done in the next two weeks
we have to do a lot with their papers for their marriage! It will be
great! Really we are super busy and we have a lot of work to do! We
have found new families and hope to continue teaching! We went to the
Anonas like always this week and I must be crazy because we had to
take a bunch of stuff with us! I had like 30 pounds worth of stuff in
my backpack to hike 1 hour in the mountains! I must have been crazy
but that is ok it was worth the pain! I see the miracles of God so
much here it is incredible what we really can accomplish through our
faith! Everything is based on our faith! I have really been trying to
stengthen my faith to see more and moer miracles! I love this work it
is the greatest there is!
a family that is progressing and our goal is to baptize them bfore we
have transfers! It was the man who I asked for his tobacoo and his
family! He had been chewing tobacoo bascially all of his life and
since that moment he has chewed tobacco since! He really is showing
desires to change and be baptized! He and his wife have been talking
about being baptized and getting married so that they can do it! We
are going to work like crazy men to get it done in the next two weeks
we have to do a lot with their papers for their marriage! It will be
great! Really we are super busy and we have a lot of work to do! We
have found new families and hope to continue teaching! We went to the
Anonas like always this week and I must be crazy because we had to
take a bunch of stuff with us! I had like 30 pounds worth of stuff in
my backpack to hike 1 hour in the mountains! I must have been crazy
but that is ok it was worth the pain! I see the miracles of God so
much here it is incredible what we really can accomplish through our
faith! Everything is based on our faith! I have really been trying to
stengthen my faith to see more and moer miracles! I love this work it
is the greatest there is!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
August 20, 2012
I guess the second oldest clock is here in Comayagua! WE went and visited it and
it was pretty sweet! Its also in a catholic church so that was pretty
interesting to enter in there but oh well! It is also the tallest
building here in the whole city so it was awesome to go up top and see
the whole city! As for the other more important things this week we
received 26 REFERENCES!!!!!!!!!!!! Crazy we have sooo many to visit!
These arent just normal references either they are all people that
have business and our prominent people here! So it is pretty
interesting going with the sister that gave us the references to visit
them! We had the chance to visit some of them the other day and it so
happened they are one of the richest families that live here in the
city! They have a super huge house 2 giant stores and a hotel! It is
pretty crazy and a little intimidating at first to enter but they were
super nice and we have an appointment to go back and teachg them again
so we are praying that they will be receptive and can progress! They
could help the church here grow sooo much! Also this week we went to
the Anonas and we were teaching a man and his family and he has
problems with chewing tobacco and we asked if he had any and he said
yes and after the spirit prompted me to tell him give it to me! So I
did it and it was pretty interesting moment he didnt think I was
serious at first but I was! He eventually gave it too me and as we
were walking out of the Mountains I threw it off the edge so that he
cant have it hahahahaha it was a pretty great moment! It is super
crazy what the spirit can prompt you to do if you are listnening! AS
for the most important of all we had 2 baptisms this week! Thanks to
God we are having a lot of success because really without him we
cannot do anything! We baptized 2 boys one is 9 years old and the
other is 12 they are brothers! They are super shy but were super
excited to be baptized! They have been super fun to teach and help!
they are awesome and we are working with their other 2 brothers to
baptize them as well! It really has been an awesome week we are
working super hard and time is flying by! It is crazy my life has
never gone by this fast! It is insane but I love it and I love being
here working hard! I decided though that I need to be more bold we
always here the evangelicals teach or preach and they are super crtazy
and bold! If they can be this bold and they are teaching lies than I
can do it as a true representative of God!
it was pretty sweet! Its also in a catholic church so that was pretty
interesting to enter in there but oh well! It is also the tallest
building here in the whole city so it was awesome to go up top and see
the whole city! As for the other more important things this week we
received 26 REFERENCES!!!!!!!!!!!! Crazy we have sooo many to visit!
These arent just normal references either they are all people that
have business and our prominent people here! So it is pretty
interesting going with the sister that gave us the references to visit
them! We had the chance to visit some of them the other day and it so
happened they are one of the richest families that live here in the
city! They have a super huge house 2 giant stores and a hotel! It is
pretty crazy and a little intimidating at first to enter but they were
super nice and we have an appointment to go back and teachg them again
so we are praying that they will be receptive and can progress! They
could help the church here grow sooo much! Also this week we went to
the Anonas and we were teaching a man and his family and he has
problems with chewing tobacco and we asked if he had any and he said
yes and after the spirit prompted me to tell him give it to me! So I
did it and it was pretty interesting moment he didnt think I was
serious at first but I was! He eventually gave it too me and as we
were walking out of the Mountains I threw it off the edge so that he
cant have it hahahahaha it was a pretty great moment! It is super
crazy what the spirit can prompt you to do if you are listnening! AS
for the most important of all we had 2 baptisms this week! Thanks to
God we are having a lot of success because really without him we
cannot do anything! We baptized 2 boys one is 9 years old and the
other is 12 they are brothers! They are super shy but were super
excited to be baptized! They have been super fun to teach and help!
they are awesome and we are working with their other 2 brothers to
baptize them as well! It really has been an awesome week we are
working super hard and time is flying by! It is crazy my life has
never gone by this fast! It is insane but I love it and I love being
here working hard! I decided though that I need to be more bold we
always here the evangelicals teach or preach and they are super crtazy
and bold! If they can be this bold and they are teaching lies than I
can do it as a true representative of God!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
August 13, 2012
We had a great week!
Their were 3 baptisms this week in our area 2 were the baptisms of the
sisters and 1 was ours! But I got to baptize all 3 of them! It was a
pretty crazy day! Because the sisters planned their baptism for 2 in
the afternoon and we had ours at 6! It was a lot of fun! Our baptism
that we had at night was a 16 year old boy that we have been teaching
only for like 3 weeks or something like that I dont remember!(Time
flies) He and his sister our the only members in his family but his
sister isnt active! He comes to church all by himself every sunday! He
is great though he wants to serve a mission and has a powerful
testimony! As for the other two baptisms that werent ours they were
great too! Sister Carolina was baptized and she is an interesting lady
but great! She prepares dinner for us every Thursday! a week and a
half ago we were there eating dinner and she was explaining to us that
she was going to be baptized and then continued on to tell us that I
was going to do it! It was funny because it wasnt a question or
anything she said Elder Lake will be baptizing me! haha it was funny
but it was so exciting to do! She is a great lady! AS for this past
week it has been an interesting week it has rained a bunch here! Me
and my companion have wanted to be out walking in the rain but
everytime it has rained we have been in an appouintment or we have
been out of the city! It has been sad but that is ok! We have been
working hard and trying to find new investigators! We want to baptize
families but right now all we have is individuals it is frustrating
but thats alright they need to be taught as well! We are wroking hard
and having a lot of fun! My spanish is getting better everyday and I
am progressing a lot! It is amazing how the Lord can transform people!
It is incredible to be able to see the Lord change people and also
myself as well! Really this work is the greatest!
Their were 3 baptisms this week in our area 2 were the baptisms of the
sisters and 1 was ours! But I got to baptize all 3 of them! It was a
pretty crazy day! Because the sisters planned their baptism for 2 in
the afternoon and we had ours at 6! It was a lot of fun! Our baptism
that we had at night was a 16 year old boy that we have been teaching
only for like 3 weeks or something like that I dont remember!(Time
flies) He and his sister our the only members in his family but his
sister isnt active! He comes to church all by himself every sunday! He
is great though he wants to serve a mission and has a powerful
testimony! As for the other two baptisms that werent ours they were
great too! Sister Carolina was baptized and she is an interesting lady
but great! She prepares dinner for us every Thursday! a week and a
half ago we were there eating dinner and she was explaining to us that
she was going to be baptized and then continued on to tell us that I
was going to do it! It was funny because it wasnt a question or
anything she said Elder Lake will be baptizing me! haha it was funny
but it was so exciting to do! She is a great lady! AS for this past
week it has been an interesting week it has rained a bunch here! Me
and my companion have wanted to be out walking in the rain but
everytime it has rained we have been in an appouintment or we have
been out of the city! It has been sad but that is ok! We have been
working hard and trying to find new investigators! We want to baptize
families but right now all we have is individuals it is frustrating
but thats alright they need to be taught as well! We are wroking hard
and having a lot of fun! My spanish is getting better everyday and I
am progressing a lot! It is amazing how the Lord can transform people!
It is incredible to be able to see the Lord change people and also
myself as well! Really this work is the greatest!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
August 6, 2012
An awesome experience that we had this week was we
received a reference like a week ago and we had tried and truied to
contact him but never could so we were losing hope but one day we went
to the House of the Bishop of the ward we are in to get his son to go
visit people with us and this guy walks by. As we are waiting at the
door for the Bishops wife to let us in he comes back and we realize it
is the reference and we start talking to him then we go into the
bishops house to talk more and to teach him. He started talking to us
about how he wants to change he is an alcoholic and has been drinkin
alcohol since he was 12 years old and he is now 32! He so desperately
wants to change when we were talking to him he just started to cry
because he wants to change so much because he has a little girl that
he is taking care of and he doesnt want her to have a father like he
had! His father was an alcoholic too and died relly young from
drinking. It was really sad to hear all this but the hope and
knowledge that we have is going to help and change his life so much!
It is so awesome to truely know what Jesus can do for all of us and we
just hacve to turn to him to receive his help! He can help us with
anyything from problems with alcohol to simple problems we have
everyday! I am just so grateful to be here and to have this experience
to share this with all the people I can! I truely am blessed to have
this oppertunity without doubt! I truely know without a shadow of a
doubt that Jesus can help us over come everything! He is always there
with his arms outstretched waiting to help us! We just have to turn to
him and act! I truely love this gospel and this oppertunity to serve
it is an undescribeable experience!
received a reference like a week ago and we had tried and truied to
contact him but never could so we were losing hope but one day we went
to the House of the Bishop of the ward we are in to get his son to go
visit people with us and this guy walks by. As we are waiting at the
door for the Bishops wife to let us in he comes back and we realize it
is the reference and we start talking to him then we go into the
bishops house to talk more and to teach him. He started talking to us
about how he wants to change he is an alcoholic and has been drinkin
alcohol since he was 12 years old and he is now 32! He so desperately
wants to change when we were talking to him he just started to cry
because he wants to change so much because he has a little girl that
he is taking care of and he doesnt want her to have a father like he
had! His father was an alcoholic too and died relly young from
drinking. It was really sad to hear all this but the hope and
knowledge that we have is going to help and change his life so much!
It is so awesome to truely know what Jesus can do for all of us and we
just hacve to turn to him to receive his help! He can help us with
anyything from problems with alcohol to simple problems we have
everyday! I am just so grateful to be here and to have this experience
to share this with all the people I can! I truely am blessed to have
this oppertunity without doubt! I truely know without a shadow of a
doubt that Jesus can help us over come everything! He is always there
with his arms outstretched waiting to help us! We just have to turn to
him and act! I truely love this gospel and this oppertunity to serve
it is an undescribeable experience!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
July 30, 2012
I love having busy weeks! one highlight of the week is we had a BAPTISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The grandfather of the bishop was baptized and if you want to meet an interesting man he is one to meet! He is 94 years old and finally after tons of different sets of missionaries years and years of work he finally decided to be baptized! It was a great experience! Also this week we had to go to Tegucigalpa for a meeting for all the new missionaries and it was way sweet to go and always awesome to receive counsel from President Fortuna he is an incredible man! Really we are so busy it is crazy! We keep finding and dropping investigators and are working hard with the ones that we have now and trying to set a bunch of dates for baptism in August! If all goes as planned we will have a lot of baptism in August! Really it is incredible here! As for the weather here I guess it is close to the same as UTah a little hotter here than in Utah! I talked to a kid the other day and he said he had just got back from being in the United states and he had been in Utah for a week in Moab! It was way fun to talk to him because he spoke English and it was awesome! It is always fun to speak English! SPanish is coming! Everyone always asks me how much time I have in the mission because they all think I have more time here than I do because I guess I speak good Spanish! Thats not good enough! I am want to speak perfect spanish so I am going to continue working! It is incredible to be here working and knowing that there will be a temple dedicated here this year! Their are so many awesome families that have been baptized and are excited to go to the temple when they can but now they cant afford to pay to go to Guatemala! It is pretty awesome for all of them and for them to know that the temple will be finished and dedicated this year for sure! I really love this work and love helping people it is so much fun and as it says in Preach my Gospel that in this work you can find greater joy than ever before! We are going to keep working and bringing more and more souls unto Christ! iT is hard at times but the pain is always worth the reward!
Monday, July 23, 2012
July 23, 2012
This week was an interesting week! It has been kind of difficult because we have had investigators that we have taught a bunch and they arent progressing! So we dropped them. Basically me and my companion
are consulting with the Lord always first but there are investigators that are just going to be eternal investigators so we drop them! It is hard but then it seems like everytime that we drop someone we find a
family or an elect person waiting for us! We found a lot of new investigators this week! We went to a part of our area that neither me nor my companion knew and we ended up teaching like 7 lessons in a couple hours and finding 7 new investigators! The Lord really is blessing us for our hard work and we are having a lot of fun with the work too! I have realized that our area is immense and basically it is impossible to know all the parts of our area and difficult also because our investigators all live so spread out! Thats alright though! This week we had plans to have a bà ptism and things were going great and then He had his interview! He had drank coffee and lied to us about it the whole week so we are hoping to baptize him this week as long as he doesnt drink coffee! He is an interesting man he is the Grandpa to the Bishop and is like 94 years old and walks a bunch every day it is pretty crazy! The work is progressing though we are finding more and more investigators and we had the most investigators in Sacrament this week that we have had my whole time here! Time really flies serving the lord when we are working hard and having fun and success! Truely the Lords hand is in all things and I see it more and more everyday that I am here and I feel more love for the people I am serving and for all my friends and family back home! I am so grateful for the oppertunity to serve and be a member of this church and to have made covenants with God that I know have and will continue to bless my life! God is a loving and living God and that is a fact! I love you all and hope everything is well in your side of the world! Because everything is gorgeous and wonderful here because we have God in our life!
are consulting with the Lord always first but there are investigators that are just going to be eternal investigators so we drop them! It is hard but then it seems like everytime that we drop someone we find a
family or an elect person waiting for us! We found a lot of new investigators this week! We went to a part of our area that neither me nor my companion knew and we ended up teaching like 7 lessons in a couple hours and finding 7 new investigators! The Lord really is blessing us for our hard work and we are having a lot of fun with the work too! I have realized that our area is immense and basically it is impossible to know all the parts of our area and difficult also because our investigators all live so spread out! Thats alright though! This week we had plans to have a bà ptism and things were going great and then He had his interview! He had drank coffee and lied to us about it the whole week so we are hoping to baptize him this week as long as he doesnt drink coffee! He is an interesting man he is the Grandpa to the Bishop and is like 94 years old and walks a bunch every day it is pretty crazy! The work is progressing though we are finding more and more investigators and we had the most investigators in Sacrament this week that we have had my whole time here! Time really flies serving the lord when we are working hard and having fun and success! Truely the Lords hand is in all things and I see it more and more everyday that I am here and I feel more love for the people I am serving and for all my friends and family back home! I am so grateful for the oppertunity to serve and be a member of this church and to have made covenants with God that I know have and will continue to bless my life! God is a loving and living God and that is a fact! I love you all and hope everything is well in your side of the world! Because everything is gorgeous and wonderful here because we have God in our life!
Monday, July 16, 2012
July 16, 2012
This week was a ptretty incredible week! We are always staying so busy
and we walk a ton! Some days less than others but other days we dont
plans very well and have to walk 30 or more minutes between
appointments! I have the goal to baptize every week of my mission and
I am definitely seeing the Lords hand in helping me with my goal as I
work hard! This week we had another baptism it was a single mother of
3 kids! The oldest is 10 the others are I think 5 and 2 but I am not
sure! They are the best! They are so much fun and it was incredible
the baptism! But the story for the baptism we were really worried! We
had plans to do the baptism at 2 o clock and Hermana Darlin said that
she would be there at 130 and she is never late she is always early!
So we get to the church at 1 and prepare everything and we are waiting
and waiting and 130 passes and she isnt there then 2 passes she isnt
there 230 she isnt there and at 245 I was extremely worried because
she still wasnt there! We waited and waited then finally we asked one
of the members that was there to use his cell phone to ask if we could
call her! We called ehr and she was so sorry but she said she would be
there in 15 minutes! She finally came and we had the baptism! It was
an awesome baptism! Then I was thinking and was a little worried
because I wasnt going to complete my goal of having a baptism every
week because for this saturday we didnt have a date set for baptism
but Sunday came around and we are in sacrament and the Bishops Grand
father comes in and he has been to the church many times and received
the lessons but never before has wanted to be baptized but we were
talking with him and he said I want to be baptized"! I was amazed and
we are going to have his baptism this Saturday! The Lords hand
providing miracles! IT is pretty incredible to see the Lords hand in
all things and see people come out of no wehre that want to be
baptized! <We are working hard and having fun and doing are best to
have success! WE are finding families every week but the problem is
they arent all progressing! It is hard and frustrating but we have to
drop our investiggators that arent progressing because their are
others out there that need us and we can use our time better! The
work is amazing and it changes peoples lives! The Lord can help us
with all we just have to humble our selves and asK! It is incredible
to see his hand in all things with our investigators with me learning
spanish with everything! The Lord lives and wants to help us we just
have to ask him and do our part!
and we walk a ton! Some days less than others but other days we dont
plans very well and have to walk 30 or more minutes between
appointments! I have the goal to baptize every week of my mission and
I am definitely seeing the Lords hand in helping me with my goal as I
work hard! This week we had another baptism it was a single mother of
3 kids! The oldest is 10 the others are I think 5 and 2 but I am not
sure! They are the best! They are so much fun and it was incredible
the baptism! But the story for the baptism we were really worried! We
had plans to do the baptism at 2 o clock and Hermana Darlin said that
she would be there at 130 and she is never late she is always early!
So we get to the church at 1 and prepare everything and we are waiting
and waiting and 130 passes and she isnt there then 2 passes she isnt
there 230 she isnt there and at 245 I was extremely worried because
she still wasnt there! We waited and waited then finally we asked one
of the members that was there to use his cell phone to ask if we could
call her! We called ehr and she was so sorry but she said she would be
there in 15 minutes! She finally came and we had the baptism! It was
an awesome baptism! Then I was thinking and was a little worried
because I wasnt going to complete my goal of having a baptism every
week because for this saturday we didnt have a date set for baptism
but Sunday came around and we are in sacrament and the Bishops Grand
father comes in and he has been to the church many times and received
the lessons but never before has wanted to be baptized but we were
talking with him and he said I want to be baptized"! I was amazed and
we are going to have his baptism this Saturday! The Lords hand
providing miracles! IT is pretty incredible to see the Lords hand in
all things and see people come out of no wehre that want to be
baptized! <We are working hard and having fun and doing are best to
have success! WE are finding families every week but the problem is
they arent all progressing! It is hard and frustrating but we have to
drop our investiggators that arent progressing because their are
others out there that need us and we can use our time better! The
work is amazing and it changes peoples lives! The Lord can help us
with all we just have to humble our selves and asK! It is incredible
to see his hand in all things with our investigators with me learning
spanish with everything! The Lord lives and wants to help us we just
have to ask him and do our part!
July 9, 2012
As for my update it was a pretty interesting week we went into the
week only having plans to have one baptism and had two! It was kind of
sad this week too we had been working with a family and praying to
know what to do for them and what we could do to help! They hadnt been
progressing and we had to drop them because we need to use are time
with those that are ready to hear our message and progress and
actually make steps to come unto Christ! We also had another family
that we were worried about too Familia Pineda we were worried because
they werent going to church and werent really progressing and we
prayed that they could come to church and they did so that in itself
was a miracle! Also this week we met our new mission President!
President Fortuna, he will be an awesome mission president and I am
really excited that I will have him as my mission President for the
enxt two years! I am really fired up about the work this week! (well
basically every week and day!! It was a good week we found a bunch of
familes too teach and most all are going to progress and hopefully be
baptized! My companion and I have the goal to have a baptism every
week from here on out and President Fortuna expects us too baptize one
family every month we are really excited about this goal and know it
is possible and we want to do it and more! As for the baptisms this
week it was pretty awesome we had interviews on Friday for those being
baptized and we had one for Hermano Carlos that we were thought would
be baptized this coming week nd then they had the interview and my
district leader said he is ready! He has an incrdible testimony of the
Book of Mormon! HE has a stronger testimony of it than most people I
know that are members! Then Hermano Juan also had his interview and he
cant really talk at all so it was really difficult for our distrit
leader but he was ready! Then Saturday we had the two baptisms of our
investigators and one of the Sisters in our same area! I was fortunate
and blessed to have the oppertunity to baptize all three of them! It
was pretty incredible! it was an awesome experience to be able to
perform the baptisms and know that they were being placed under
covenant! They were all so excited and so ready to continue on in the
Church! It was an awesome week! This church really is true and the
blessings are real I think everyone needs to take time and reflect on
what the Lord has given us!! He has given us so much it is incredible!
If you want to realize how blessed you are go to a third world country
where people dont have jobs have dirt floors but they are happy! The
Gospel truely brings happiness and I am so excited o share it with
week only having plans to have one baptism and had two! It was kind of
sad this week too we had been working with a family and praying to
know what to do for them and what we could do to help! They hadnt been
progressing and we had to drop them because we need to use are time
with those that are ready to hear our message and progress and
actually make steps to come unto Christ! We also had another family
that we were worried about too Familia Pineda we were worried because
they werent going to church and werent really progressing and we
prayed that they could come to church and they did so that in itself
was a miracle! Also this week we met our new mission President!
President Fortuna, he will be an awesome mission president and I am
really excited that I will have him as my mission President for the
enxt two years! I am really fired up about the work this week! (well
basically every week and day!! It was a good week we found a bunch of
familes too teach and most all are going to progress and hopefully be
baptized! My companion and I have the goal to have a baptism every
week from here on out and President Fortuna expects us too baptize one
family every month we are really excited about this goal and know it
is possible and we want to do it and more! As for the baptisms this
week it was pretty awesome we had interviews on Friday for those being
baptized and we had one for Hermano Carlos that we were thought would
be baptized this coming week nd then they had the interview and my
district leader said he is ready! He has an incrdible testimony of the
Book of Mormon! HE has a stronger testimony of it than most people I
know that are members! Then Hermano Juan also had his interview and he
cant really talk at all so it was really difficult for our distrit
leader but he was ready! Then Saturday we had the two baptisms of our
investigators and one of the Sisters in our same area! I was fortunate
and blessed to have the oppertunity to baptize all three of them! It
was pretty incredible! it was an awesome experience to be able to
perform the baptisms and know that they were being placed under
covenant! They were all so excited and so ready to continue on in the
Church! It was an awesome week! This church really is true and the
blessings are real I think everyone needs to take time and reflect on
what the Lord has given us!! He has given us so much it is incredible!
If you want to realize how blessed you are go to a third world country
where people dont have jobs have dirt floors but they are happy! The
Gospel truely brings happiness and I am so excited o share it with
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
July 2, 2012
We have been working hard and walking a lot trying to teach as many people as we can. We have a baptism this week for Hermano Juan. He is ready and I am so excited for this - it will be my first baptism and I get to baptize him. It is hard teaching him because he can't talk but he understands all and is excited to be baptized. Next week we have two baptisms and we are so excited. We have found a lot of families to teach and are always looking for more. In our mission we are focused mainly on teaching families and men older than 18 and to have complete families. Right now we have 5 or 6 families that we have taught once and are working to set baptismal dates. The problem here is they don't attend church or they aren't married or they are married and need to get a divorce and get remarried. We are teaching a family in the Anonas and they want to be baptized but the problem is they are poor and the Mom is pregnant and obviously can't walk far and they don't have a car so it is very frustrating. I love the people here so much. The kids are so funny - they all want me to speak English but they don't understand a lick of it - it is quite funny.
I will never complain ever again about having to wash my clothes with a washer - it is definitely a lot easier to do that than do it by hand. I also won't complain about a bad shower - we have a shower and the water is always cold if we even have water! I love it here and am learning so much.
I will never complain ever again about having to wash my clothes with a washer - it is definitely a lot easier to do that than do it by hand. I also won't complain about a bad shower - we have a shower and the water is always cold if we even have water! I love it here and am learning so much.
June 25, 2012
My first week in Honduras and can I just say it is beautiful her. I am serving in a city called Comayagua - it is a 2 hour bus ride from Tegucigalpa. My companion is from Guatemala. I love it here! It is really hot all the time though I will adjust. We walk all the time. It has been incredible teaching real people that need the gospel. This week we committed a man to baptism. He is so incredible. He is blind and can't read very well so it is hard teaching him but he understands and is positive and acceptive of our message. The other day we went to a place called Anonas; it is a 20 minute bus ride and then two hours of hiking through the mountains to find the people. It is pretty intense. The people here are so humble and loving. It is crazy to see the differences in cultures and even in the different parts of our area.
I am so pumped up to serve!
I am so pumped up to serve!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
June 18, 2012
I am finally leaving and I am so pumped. I love missionary work! So this past week has flown by and I am super pumped to get out into the real world! My Spanish definitely isn't perfect and neither is my English at this point. I can't understand everything in Spanish but I don't need to because I have the spirit as my guide and he will direct my every decision and move!
I just finished the New Testament and it is amazing! I have learned so much about my Savior and it has just increased my desire to help people and change the world. I love this gospel so much and I know that it is true.
I got to hear Sheri Dew speak and she is amazing. She talked about receiving the blessings that God has for us. All the blessings of God have been restored and all we have to do to get them is work and ask for them.
I am so excited to be a missionary. I know God provides a way for us to accomplish all things without a doubt. I know I am here for a reason.
I just finished the New Testament and it is amazing! I have learned so much about my Savior and it has just increased my desire to help people and change the world. I love this gospel so much and I know that it is true.
I got to hear Sheri Dew speak and she is amazing. She talked about receiving the blessings that God has for us. All the blessings of God have been restored and all we have to do to get them is work and ask for them.
I am so excited to be a missionary. I know God provides a way for us to accomplish all things without a doubt. I know I am here for a reason.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
June 11, 2012
This past week has been one of the most incredible weeks that I have had since I have been here in the MTC. First Tuesday was incredible because that night Marlin K Jensen spoke and it was his last time that he would ever speak as a member of the 70! He put his whole heart and soul into that talk! It was so amazing and so spiritual that it caught me on fire and more fired up to share the Gospel. He talked about that we can't afford to have an off day in the service of the Lord; just like when we went to get our patriarchal blessings - we wouldn't want the patriarch to be having a bad day because that document he give us is personal thoughts from God about who we are, what we were before and who we can become. It is crazy and he related it to being on the Lord's errand especially as missionaries because we cannot afford to have a bad day which is so true because the people need us to be in tune with the spirit in order that we can help them come unto Christ more in their life and help them receive the restored Gospel. Wednesday I got to host Randon and see Matt and Grant - that was so awesome. I am so pumped that they are all serving missions - that is incredible - definitely a tender mercy of the Lord! I am so excited. I cannot wait to get out and help the people of Honduras to receive the Gospel. Sunday we heard a President that is over missionary work and he talked about relationships with our companions and it was humbling to me and I have decide that from now on throughout the rest of my life I am going to be positive about everything. Because when we are being critics we miss the beauty and the finer things of life and we cannot feel the spirit and the spirit is essential in the work and life.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
June 4, 2012
I love the MTC. I am super excited about missionary work and so fired up about the gospel! I love it so much! I love learning about my Savior; the more I read about him the more and greater my desire to help people grow. We received 23 missionaries into our zone this week which was crazy! We got some awesome missionaries. I love talking to the sisters because it reminds me of my own sisters and makes me so happy! I love it here so much but I can't wait to get out and help people that need their lives and eternities changed. Just a cool story from this past week. I was reading in the Ensign the conference talks and I had a prompting to share the one I was reading by Richard G Scott with another missionary in my district. SO I did and after he read it he pulled me aside and we went out into the hall and talked and he was in tears, well we both were, and he said that he had found an answer to a prayer that he had been searching for, for a very long time. It was incredible and got me so fired up to help people. The tender mercies of the Lord really are the best! The spirit is a real gift I know and feel it daily! I love the gospel so much and I testify of its truthfulness. It is amazing and life changing. 2 weeks and I fly out of the US for the most intimidating but the best experience of a life time. I can't wait to help the people of Honduras. I love them all so much and I don't even know them at all yet. A lot of times we don't recognize the spirit but one thing we have to realize is if we are worthy and following the commandments and when we do good things that is of the spirit. The spirit is the most incredible thing ever.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
May 28, 2012
I am kind of bummed today that we don't get to go to the temple do to the fact that it is a holiday but
that is alright! It has been a crazy week here that is for sure! We had a kid from our district have to go home so now I am in a trio! i am not sure how I feel about it! It is definitely a learning experience and if I don't kill anyone in the next 3 weeks it will be a success I think! The night/morning the Elder flew out he had to be at
the travel office at 3 in the morning so we had to be up to see him off! Lets say that night i got about 5 hours of sleep and it was hard to recover that next day and focus! It is crazy how much the gospel is a blessing even repentance! I am so grateful for the gospel in our life's! I am pretty fired up we were able to hear Ronald A Rasband speak on Tuesday and he is incredible he spoke in conference two years ago about mission calls and it was so incredible to hear from him again! he is an amazing man! Things are going well the Spanish is coming the hard I work the faster it comes hard to imagine but it is true ha ha! I love it here but I am not going to lie I am definitely looking forward to leaving in 3 weeks! isn't that crazy i fly out 3weeks from today! I cannot wait for that! i cannot wait to be able to teach people that need their eternities changed and that want to change instead of just people that are role playing! it is definitely not the same!
that is alright! It has been a crazy week here that is for sure! We had a kid from our district have to go home so now I am in a trio! i am not sure how I feel about it! It is definitely a learning experience and if I don't kill anyone in the next 3 weeks it will be a success I think! The night/morning the Elder flew out he had to be at
the travel office at 3 in the morning so we had to be up to see him off! Lets say that night i got about 5 hours of sleep and it was hard to recover that next day and focus! It is crazy how much the gospel is a blessing even repentance! I am so grateful for the gospel in our life's! I am pretty fired up we were able to hear Ronald A Rasband speak on Tuesday and he is incredible he spoke in conference two years ago about mission calls and it was so incredible to hear from him again! he is an amazing man! Things are going well the Spanish is coming the hard I work the faster it comes hard to imagine but it is true ha ha! I love it here but I am not going to lie I am definitely looking forward to leaving in 3 weeks! isn't that crazy i fly out 3weeks from today! I cannot wait for that! i cannot wait to be able to teach people that need their eternities changed and that want to change instead of just people that are role playing! it is definitely not the same!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
May 21, 2012
Things are pretty crazy here but I love it so much! This past week has been interesting we had L Tom Perry come and speak to us and it was so incredible! It is crazy being able to hear from apostles on a regular basis! Loco! I am going to apologize now if my spelling is terrible because I am hurrying and I am forgetting how to spell in English so this is a problem! The Spanish is coming a lot faster than I thought! I am learning so much and I love it! I love being a missionary! It is a lot of fun! I get along with my companion well and I have made some awesome friends in my district! Their definitely are some Elders that I will be friends with after! It is crazy I have been gone for over a month and I leave the country 4 weeks from today which is exciting and nerve racking at the same time! It is awesome being a missionary in the MTC but I cant wait to get out into the field and actually have real investigators that need the gospel! I cant wait to have real experiences and I want to help the people so bad! I just got back from the temple this morning and I am so grateful to be a member of this church because we have temples that seal our families for eternities! I am so grateful for temples! We had the Temple President from the Provo temple speak with us last night and it was incredible! It was one of the most powerful spiritual experiences I have had since I have been here it really touched my heart.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
May 14, 2012
Things are going so awesome. It is pretty crazy with everything going on. Last Tuesday D Todd Christofferson came and spoke and it was incredible. It was just like a giant family scripture study; he asked for input - it was amazing! It was definitely one of the most spiritual experiences that I have had here. The Spanish is coming along. I have definitely been blessed and I am picking it up really well. I have an awesome zone! I get along with basically everyone and we have a lot of fun! It is so hard to study all that I want and all that I need to for my "investigators"! It is insane! I love the work so much!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
May 7, 2012
The food is eatable! I am used to eating nice home cooked meals that are always delicious here the food is questionable at times so it kind of sucks but that is ok! I wont turn down food! The spanish is coming I have learned so much spanish just in the time I have been here! I am definitely seeing the hand in the lord in my life so it is crazy! I love it! I love being a missionary there is no other place I would rather be! Missionary work is incredible! it is crazy being so busy all the time but I love it a lot!
I loved the missionary newsletter! That was awesome to see about everyone! Crazy! All these kids here get a laugh when I talk about Morgan and how I lived with a bunch of Mormons! They laugh it is kind of funny! Life is good just crazy busy! I love it though! The days go by pretty fast which is nice!
All the devotionals have been awesome! I love being busy here! it is great! The spirit is incredible! One thing I have realized here that I am learning a lot is that my talk about love wasn't a coincidence! I am realizing everything in missionary work and life is based on love! If you love the people around you then the spirit is there and life is better! I love missionary work and I wouldn't rather be anywhere else!
I loved the missionary newsletter! That was awesome to see about everyone! Crazy! All these kids here get a laugh when I talk about Morgan and how I lived with a bunch of Mormons! They laugh it is kind of funny! Life is good just crazy busy! I love it though! The days go by pretty fast which is nice!
All the devotionals have been awesome! I love being busy here! it is great! The spirit is incredible! One thing I have realized here that I am learning a lot is that my talk about love wasn't a coincidence! I am realizing everything in missionary work and life is based on love! If you love the people around you then the spirit is there and life is better! I love missionary work and I wouldn't rather be anywhere else!
Monday, April 30, 2012
April 30, 2012
This past week has been super awesome! We have had awesome firesides every time that we have had them! Russell M Nelson came and spoke to us last Tuesday and it was amazing! He is an amazing apostle of God! The spirit is amazing! The spanish is coming slowly but surely! I am having a blast! I love getting packages and goodies! A quote from yesterday from our Fireside that I loved! ""If you stay happy you will have the right kind of fun, if you have the right kind of fun you will be good, If you be good you will do good!"" I thought that was awesome and that I should share that with you! Yesterday was awesome though! After the fireside we had what is called Hasta Ver which is from the song god be with you till we meet again in spanish! It was basically just a goodbye party for our zone leaders and their district! We got new Zone Leaders and it is Kade Dearden'''s Cousing Elder Zemcik I think that is how you spell it and Elder Newman the kid I wrestled my freshman year! It is crazy I have almost been here for two weeks the time is flying and I am having fun! I am still getting along well with my companion and my district for the most part!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
April 23, 2012
Looks like my P-Day is actually going to be on Mondays now. We got here and had one schedule and then yesterday everything changed. It is so awesome here nd the spirit is so powerful. My companion and I get along really well and we have a lot of fun. Our district is pretty good too. I get along with everyone in it. I have seen a couple missionaries here from Morgan. It was really good to see Zaine here and have a familiar face to see. It is crazy how much seeing a familiar face was so uplifting. Spanish is hard but I will just keep working my hardest and it will come eventually. I probably should have done more spanish studying at home so when I got here I could actually understand a little bit. I am learning more and more each day though so that is good. I love being here in the MTC it is great. It is for sure there is no place that I would rather be than here in the MTC. I know for sure now why I was called to serve a mission speaking Spanish. I know if the Lord would have sent me somewhere English Speaking that the MTC would have been more of a breeze for me. The spanish is making me stretch and work harder than I ever have had to before. It is crazy. THings are good though. My companion is Elder Steenhoek. He is from Texas. There is a kid in my zone from Bear RIver his name is Elder Newman. We found out the other day that we wrestled each other our Freshman year. Small world. It is crazy how small the word is and how I keep running into people that I share something or someone in common with. I am so grateful to be here and to be learning so much.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
April 22,2012
Things are awesome. I love it here at the MTC. Spanish is a challenge for me but I will figure it out. I am so fired up about serving the Lord. My companion is from Texas and he is awesome. I feel comfortable with the gospel but spanish is kicking my butt. The Elders in my district are crazy but they are all awesome. Our Branch Presidency is awesome; they are all really nice and Old.
Friday, April 20, 2012
MTC Drop-off
The big day was finally here - April 18, 2012 - and time to report to the Mission Training Center for the next nine weeks. When you get to the MTC you just drop at the curb and there really isn't time for a lot of pictures so we stopped at the Provo Temple to get a few pictures.
Jenni, Jackson, Mom and Dad
Jackson, Mom and Dad
Jackson and Jenni
Jackson contemplating this adventure
We arrived at the MTC, unloaded the luggage and then it was a quick good-bye, first with Mom . .
then Dad . . .
and he is off . . .
with no looking back.
Farewell Sunday
Jackson spoke in church on the Sunday prior to leaving on his mission and then we held a luncheon at the County Courthouse after.
Just some a few pictures from the luncheon:
Gramps, Michelle and Rachel
Jackson getting a few words of advice from Karen Tucker
Jackson with some of the girls
Jackson with the Wilkinson Family
Mike Ratcliff and Jackson
Jackson getting a few words of advice from some of the returned missionaries
A rough gang (LtoR) Ryan, Tisah, Jackson, Jenni and Tyler
Some of the crowd
Jackson listening intently
Jackson with his favorite group of girls
It was a great day. There was a big group that came for lunch and to visit.
Jackson went through the Oquirrh Mountain Temple on January 27, 2012 - it was a great day!
He enjoyed visiting other temples prior to leaving on his mission but the Oquirrh Mountain remains his favorite.
He enjoyed visiting other temples prior to leaving on his mission but the Oquirrh Mountain remains his favorite.
Mission Call
And so the adventure begins . . .
This arrived in the mail on December 6, 2011
Jackson reading his mission call . .
"You are hereby called to serve as missionary . . . You are assigned to labor in the Honduras Comayaguela Mission . . . for a period of 24 months.
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